Hiwatt Corrision ?

HIWATT amps from the Hylight Electronics era

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Hiwatt Corrision ?

Post by Samuel »

Hey Guys,
I just bought this 1979 Hiwatt DR504 and it has something on the chassis and tube sockets. I can't figure out what it is, what may have caused and how to clean it up.
Any help is appreciated!
Thanks Sam
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Re: Hiwatt Corrision ?

Post by louis »

Dip the whole thing in acid for twelve hours !!!

Wait !!!! :shock: .............it's a joke !!!!! :lol:

Let the pro's help you ,they should be here soon!!

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Re: Hiwatt Corrision ?

Post by OldSchoolDave »


Can you post a pic of the entire chassis, so we can get a feel for the extent and locations of the corrosion?

What comes to mind initially is that a good beer spill or two or exposure to moisture over time could lead to the what I see in the pics. It wouldn't necessarily have been due to a component failure (capacitor or transformer), but too early to rule that out.

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Re: Hiwatt Corrision ?

Post by Dr.HI-TONE »

Welcome to the Vintage HIWATT forum!

It does look like corrosion. I bet the amp spent some time in a damp place or had some drinks spilled on it and through the top vent.

If you want to address it and try to stop or drastically slow it down here are some options /tips

First remove all the tubes.

Second removal of the corrosion. Use an abrasive (Scotch brite, sand paper, steel wool) or Naval Jelly.

Naval jelly is an acid jelly originally designed for removing corrosion on ships. it can be found at most hardware or home improvement stores usually in the paint area.

Use a really small hobby paint brush to apply the naval jelly, Let it sit for a couple minutes then rinse with water. repeat if needed until you have a clean rust free surface. Make sure all of the naval jelly is rinsed away.

Water will not hurt the amp, you can clean the entire chassis with soap and water if you want. Just be sure to let it dry out before firing up. Hair dryers work great for this. Or if you are in a nice sunny climate a long warm sunny afternoon sun bathing works well too!

Third after the corrosion is gone and the chassis is clean and dry. Spray some Rustoleum rust inhibiting spray paint (grey, or the color of your choice) onto some scrap cardboard or anything that you can use like an artists pallet. Use another really small paint brush to apply the rustoleum to the bare steel where the corrosion was.

Let dry

retube and enjoy!

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Re: Hiwatt Corrision ?

Post by Samuel »

Thanks guys for the help!
Looks like the previous owner may have already scrubbed it down some.
More pics below.
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