1979 Hiwatt Preamp Cap?

HIWATT amps from the Hylight Electronics era

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1979 Hiwatt Preamp Cap?

Post by Samuel »

Hey guys, I bought this 1979 DR504 and the preamp cap is missing, looks like it calls for a 16-32 cap and as best I can tell and I’ve found ARS cap (Any good?) that might work.
Question is: Of the three wires that go to this cap does it matter which one goes to either of the + cap terminals other than the black wire which I assume is the negative.
Also if I go with the F&T 32-32 cap will this change the sound? Bear in mind I would like to restore this back to the original specs.
Thanks again for helping this newbie!
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Re: 1979 Hiwatt Preamp Cap?

Post by OldSchoolDave »


By 1979, that cap was standardized on a 32+32. Either value will work, though. There won't be any tonal differences between them, as they're in the power filtering stage. There's a slight chance a 16+32 might have a bit of sag, but most folks can't seem to notice the difference in a Hiwatt.

ARS is fine, as are F&T - and JJ for that matter.

Persnickity folks might care if you switch the positives around. I don't know if the amp will notice the difference. Here's what an original 100 watter from 1977 looked like:
P3110026.JPG (59.19 KiB) Viewed 921 times
...and this is from a 1979 100 watter:
PA140048.JPG (127.05 KiB) Viewed 921 times
Hope this helps.

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Re: 1979 Hiwatt Preamp Cap?

Post by mhuss »

The blue wire goes to the 32uF terminal and the red wire goes to the 16uF. The third wire (which may be gray, black or brown) goes to common.

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Re: 1979 Hiwatt Preamp Cap?

Post by Samuel »

Thansk guys for the help!
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Re: 1979 Hiwatt Preamp Cap?

Post by OldSchoolDave »

mhuss wrote:The blue wire goes to the 32uF terminal and the red wire goes to the 16uF.
Oops. My comment about which positive was assuming a 32+32... :oops: .

...Hey! I played that song when it was new...

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