Hiwatt convention 2007 video

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Hiwatt Bob
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Post by Hiwatt Bob »

don't do the user password thing, just scroll down and click the big button that says "free download", then it will move you to a screen where you've got to re-enter the code it gives you in a box.

sometimes i think you really are the 4th stooge.

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Post by lp59pete »

Cool video. :D Thanks Buster!
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Post by buster »

Mike B. wrote:What's the user name and password I have to use?

"Oh dear" :shock:
Mike B.
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Post by Mike B. »

buster wrote:
Mike B. wrote:What's the user name and password I have to use?

"Oh dear" :shock:
No worries. I downloaded it (somewhere) and will try to watch it!

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Mike B.
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Post by Mike B. »

Hiwatt Bob wrote:don't do the user password thing, just scroll down and click the big button that says "free download", then it will move you to a screen where you've got to re-enter the code it gives you in a box.

sometimes i think you really are the 4th stooge.

Yeah, but I'm much better looking than you and never use pedals to create effects I can get with my heart, fingers, soul, bass, and amp! :wink: :D Consequently, I'll take being the fourth stooge. Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!

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Mike B.
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Post by Mike B. »

Well, I downloaded the file and then was told I needed some sort of "code" to view the video. I then downloaded the code and still can't view the video.

Oh well, I'm sure it's a nice video, but I've wasted too much time with this already. If one of your guys can send it to me, great. If not, I'll watch the "video" in my memory when it comes to this year's convention (and look forward to next year's get-together).
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Hiwatt Bob
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Post by Hiwatt Bob »

wise guy, eh?

i have more hair. and play an instrument with 6 strings.
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Post by buster »

Mike B. wrote:Well, I downloaded the file and then was told I needed some sort of "code" to view the video. I then downloaded the code and still can't view the video.

Oh well, I'm sure it's a nice video, but I've wasted too much time with this already. If one of your guys can send it to me, great. If not, I'll watch the "video" in my memory when it comes to this year's convention (and look forward to next year's get-together).
The code is "I am stoooopid" :lol:
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Post by mikhailwatt »

Downloaded the DivX player and got a few seconds of HIWATT overload! :lol:

I'll watch the whole thing when I have time...
You can almost feel the current flowing
You can almost see the circuits blowing
Hiwatt Bob
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Post by Hiwatt Bob »

The code is "I am stoooopid"

there might be a cure for baldness, but there's no cure for stupid.
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Post by Dr.HI-TONE »

Hiwatt Bob wrote:don't do the user password thing, just scroll down and click the big button that says "free download", then it will move you to a screen where you've got to re-enter the code it gives you in a box.
The site is pretty "busy"

Just stay focused on the center of the screen and scroll down.



HI-TONE, when only the best will do.

Mike B.
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Post by Mike B. »

Hiwatt Bob wrote:
The code is "I am stoooopid"

there might be a cure for baldness, but there's no cure for stupid.
There is no cure for baldness, and it's not stupid to decide that you're tired of wasting time with such things when there are other things to do during the day. Having to wait for numerous downloads strikes me as a colossal...opps....sorry about that....I mean a really big waste of time (excuse my use of a large word. I apologize to the monosyllabists out there....).

Perhaps you guys have brains that are burned out from drugs, booze, or lord knows what, but I have vivid memories of the convention so I can live without the video. I do, however, appreciate Buster's posting it. Thanks very much! :D

I will pray that the Maker changes me into a "tech head' so that I can be just like you guys!!! Then maybe I can reproduce artificial, lifeless sounds without the use of my fingers, strings, bass, amp, gut, and soul. Yes--to be just like you....


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :D :wink:
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Post by Dr.HI-TONE »

Surely everyone is trying to engage in humour?

Like Mike, I spent quite a bit of time trying to view the footage before I finally got it. I am, as the politically correct crowd would say, "technicalogically challenged".

I think Old School Dave is making the video viewable from the gallery. So keep your eyes out for that.

I have never heard of monogameous silly gerbils? I thought they were polygamists?


HI-TONE, when only the best will do.

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Post by Mike B. »

Dr.HIWATT wrote:Surely everyone is trying to engage in humour?

Like Mike, I spent quite a bit of time trying to view the footage before I finally got it. I am, as the politically correct crowd would say, "technicalogically challenged".

I think Old School Dave is making the video viewable from the gallery. So keep your eyes out for that.

I have never heard of monogameous silly gerbils? I thought they were polygamists?

Absolutely! All in good fun! :lol: :D

Of course my comments about using too many gadgets are 100% serious. But that's just me.... You guys should hear what I'm telling my new guitarist about all the crap he's using. Actually, I'm thinking of finding a guy who uses nothing more than a guitar (Gibson preferred), an amp, and a wah. Real tone comes from the fingers, after all.... Regardless, imagine the look on someone's face when you tell him "You're canned because you use too much crap to get a sound that's too sterile and lifeless. Learn how to play from the soul. Oh, and you drink all my beer and never buy any yourself."

It's back to finishing the report on the MA program for me.....

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Hiwatt Bob
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Post by Hiwatt Bob »

I have never heard of monogameous silly gerbils? I thought they were polygamists?
Richard says, "I exclusively use monogamous gerbils. There was a period during the 70's where nobody cared about that, but you just can't be too careful these days."

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