HA! I knew i might open a kettle of smelly fish with my previous post!!
I'm in Arizona, and we don't do DST here because the last thing we need is another hour of daylight in the summer
thanks for clearing that up.
Any chance of the broadcast being recorded/archived? I'm not going to have access to a computer during the live broadcast.
Some things have come up at the last minute and I'm having to cancel my annual pilgrimage to VHC/HIWATT Valley. I'll miss hanging out with everyone.
For those who ordered shirts - they were shipped to the care of the good Dr.HIWATT. He'll have the reservation list. There will be a few extras available for sale. They turned out pretty nice, if I do say so.
Hoist a brew for me and crank 'em up, blokes! Hope to see you next year.
aka mikhailwatt
You can almost feel the current flowing
You can almost see the circuits blowing
also, hopefully i didn't f**k up--i posted about the convention on another forum. there are some guys that live somewhat nearby that i think are interested in coming down to listen/try some hiwatts.
i told them to contact clayton through the VHC website to get details.