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What is the best cab to use with my DR-504

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 3:03 am
by RodneyR
Hey I'm looking for help deciding how to match my DR-504 head to a cab. I know the obvious is Hiwatt cab. I have been looking for one and am having no luck. I know there are some in the UK but not sure how much I trust buying things not from EBAY or local craigslist. This is my second time owning a 50 watt head. The first one I owned was a Marshall JCM 800 and I ran it through a JCM 900 4x12. It sounded like poop compared to my other Other 100 watt JCM 800 that I had running with a 4x12 Orange cab. I ended up getting rid of all my Marshall gear and buying a 74 DR-103 that killed anything I've ever owned. This was the best set up I've owned hands down. It was much louder and had better sound than my Marshall's. Unfortunately 5 years later I moved to California and due to cost of living, rent and car taking a dump I had to sell her. 8 years later I'm still in California and a good friend of mine sold me his DR-504. I played it through a 800 cab because it was all I could afford at the time. It sounded like mud, due to it being a bad 800 cab with the speakers that were made in China. I sold the cab and am now in search. Finically I am much better off and am ready to start collecting gear again. However I was told that I should go with a 2x12 instead of a 4x12 to get full potential from my 504. I'm not sure how true that is because Hiwatts are LOUD AS F. Any input would be greatly appreciated. I will be running an A B box, 4x10 Fender Hot Rod Deville Hilton Guitar, Giga Delays. Any suggestions to other cabs that would work if I am unable to find a Hiwatt cab is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Re: What is the best cab to use with my DR-504

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 3:18 am
by mhuss
We recommend checking out the HI-TONE cabs, they have gotten a lot of good feedback.


Re: What is the best cab to use with my DR-504

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 11:38 am
by OldSchoolDave
A DR504 will push 2 x 12's or 4 x 12's. The question is, how much volume can your venues (and F-O-H Engineers) tolerate? I've been finding that driving a 2x12 cab hard is a better solution for most rooms I've played in lately.

When we designed the HI-TONE 2x12 cabs, we oversized them to help compensate for the extra low end a 4x12 can pump out. I've been driving my 2x12 with my SA112 (50 watt) combo (internal speaker disconnected), as shown in my avatar, with excellent results. No brag, just fact ;) . Many unsolicited comments like; "that amp sounds great!".

It's not the only 2x12 cab out there, but I'm confident you'll like the sound when powered by your DR504. No comparison with the 800/900 series "stuff".

Other options might be Orange's oversized 2x12 (though the stock V30's may not be the best combination with a HIWATT) and oversized cabs offered by Avatar and Lopoline.


Re: What is the best cab to use with my DR-504

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 1:59 pm
by RodneyR
Thank you tons! I was afraid that going 2x12 I would loose that tight low end. I'm definitely going to check out the cab you suggested. I'm also interested in Reeves, Matamp, Bogner, Matchless. I think I'm going to have to take my head to different guitar shops and try some cabs out. Thanks for the information!

Re: What is the best cab to use with my DR-504

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 1:21 pm
the HI-TONE HT2121 is without doubt is the biggest sounding 2x12 cab out there.

Re: What is the best cab to use with my DR-504

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 10:45 pm
by louis
Dr.HIWATT wrote:the HI-TONE HT2121 is without doubt is the biggest sounding 2x12 cab out there.

You see on that clip that the 2x12 is about 2/3 of a 4x12 and I think thats why
it look's so good compared with others who are 1/2 a 4x12 !

And if you listen to the sound , nothing to be shy of having one of those! ... re=related

I will pull the trigger on one as soon as I can !

Louis :wink:

Re: What is the best cab to use with my DR-504

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 7:31 pm
by guitar_tod77
Dr.HIWATT wrote:the HI-TONE HT2121 is without doubt is the biggest sounding 2x12 cab out there.
been a while since my last post :oops: this seemed like a good one to chime in on.

i've got both the 4x12 and 2x12 HITONE DRF cabs. that 2x12 hangs with it's "big" brother without a problem, all day, all night. makes my little DC40 thump with the best of 'em. the speakers make will convince you to take them to bed. the enclosure alone would win in a battle against a sherman tank.

in closing, that 2x12 cab would conquer the world, if left unattended :twisted:

Re: What is the best cab to use with my DR-504

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 1:59 am
by ServiceTech
I am using Bogner 2x12 cabs with Reeves vintage purples wired with Evidence Audio cable with great results.