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new fane for crescendo substitute ?

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 4:29 pm
by tungsthoriated
english is not my mothertongue so i 'm gonna do my best.
here is my question : as WEM (starfinder)cabinets seemed to be not specifially intended for guitar.
is it totally wrong to search in pa reinforcement new fane(12-300 or pro 12-300) as crescendo 12A replacement .
think of Mr D.G you know what i mean. of course this is for a hiwatt custom 100 (1977 era 2 inputs).
up to now , following the advises of my retailer i use 2 eminence ME12-100 (in 1996 or 1997)in homemade 2x12 cab.
last year, a friend of mine try my head on celestion's loaded cabinet. ouchhhhh.icepick drilling my eardrums. :(
the experience was staightening my opinion on guitar speackers used with hiwatt.
but maybe i am wrong and guitar speackers withfrequency response on the dark side would perfectly match the custom 100.

thanks for helping .