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DR103 Combo

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 12:42 am
by fixitfixit
Hi this is my first post on this site and I am not sure if the link for the photos will work but here goes.
I have a DR 103 combo (Serial number 3586 which I think puts it about 1972)
The capacitors are dated 1972 as well. all the valves are mallard and test up ok.
The odd thing about this amp is the control panel and controls, it has a gain control that puts you in AC/DC mode it also has a balance control but only one input and a socket for a footswitch which I also have.
The amp looks untouched inside apart from what appears to be a DI added which can easily be removed.
the guy who I got the amp off said he had stored the amp for about 27 years.
I started the amp up on a variac and it tests out ok-fully working.
speaking to mark from this site he thinks this maybe a modified head but why would someone rewire the amp change the faceplate and get what I am sure is the real combo cab and fane speaker.
This is a real odd amp and any help on history would be appreciated.
thanxS fixitfixit

Re: DR103 Combo

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 3:17 am
by OldSchoolDave
The combos did not carry a "DR" prefix. They were either SA (50 watters) or FL (100 watts). That supports Mark's theory that it's a modified head.

Your pics aren't large enough for me to see any detail. What are the codes on the speaker?


Re: DR103 Combo

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 3:19 am
At least it was a bargain!
The speaker and the cab are from 1978.
Most of the amp is from 1972, at least one of the pots is from 1970, some are from 1971.
The amp started out life as a head, and was converted into the combo.
If you like it then all is well.

Re: DR103 Combo

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 8:10 pm
by fixitfixit
Hi Thanks for the replies this amp is still a bit of an odd ball. Played it today sounds brill!
The foot switch works perfect using the balance control to switch between clean and distorted sound.
Bearing in mind the amp still has all the original mullard valves pre and power, transformers and speaker what would you estimate a value of the amp?

Re: DR103 Combo

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 3:29 pm
Considering the amount of hacking done to convert a head to a combo, no one in their right mind would consider the valves to be the originals.
if someone plays through it and loves it, you might fetch 400-450 quid.
Sadly, once they have been so worked over, a seller can only hope they find a buyer that knows nothing about HIWATTs and is strictly interested in a "player"

Re: DR103 Combo

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 3:55 pm
by fixitfixit
From the photos you can see the amp has not been hacked about. if it was once a head the faceplate and all the work done are to an of a very high quality.
the amp works and sounds tasty.
maybe if I want to pass the amp on an option would be to break it up and sell it as parts?

Re: DR103 Combo

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 5:59 pm
by fixitfixit
Just a note to dr Hi tone the mullard pre and power valves are all original. As confirmed by the original owned who only used it infrequently and stored it for years.
The valves test up mint on a avo and a century valve tester none are micro phonic.
The pre amps were also tested on a George kaye tester and are perfect.

Re: DR103 Combo

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 6:59 pm
You conveniently overlook the facts the someone converted a 1972 head and put it into a mid-late 1978 SA112 combo cabinet.
The date code on the speaker is clearly visible: 24th week of 1978.

The serial number tag is not the original tag either. The original was riveted further to the right had side, the half power switch would have gone through the tag. It is clear in your pics that the original rivets were drilled out. So this is a huge issue that kills the value.

You try to hype claims about the originality of components, but it is obvious that you haven't seen many real HIWATTs as there have been many changes inside this amp. How many solder joints have been changed??? Do we really need to count them?

Someone added the "OL" mod, that didn't exist until 1982-1983.

I am not surprised that the amp sounds good, but there is a reason that is was so cheap on ebay. Because those that knew what they were looking at, knew to pass on it.

I think you know that this thing is a "lash up"

Re: DR103 Combo

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 7:22 pm
by fixitfixit
Hi dr hi tone with respect you call this a lash up but is very clear from the photos that the work on the amp has been done by a professional engineer and deserves respect.
Like I said this amp is an oddball that does not mean that it is useless and valueless.
Someone has gone to the great trouble of converting a head, it looks and sounds great.
Like I said before breaking the amp if not sold as a working unit is ok with me.
Just because an amp is modified does not mean it can’t be put back to a standard configuration
The amp is very simple to work on anyway.

Re: DR103 Combo

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 5:21 am
by fixitfixit
hi dr hi tone found a site here in the UK that may help you to study the photos and reconsider your comments that this amp is a lash up.‎
fixitfixit and a happy new year.‎

Re: DR103 Combo

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 5:00 pm
by OldSchoolDave
fixitfixit wrote: This is a real odd amp and any help on history would be appreciated.
From a bystander's perspective, your last post did not seem very appreciative... :? .

You asked for the history of this amp and you received it - from a person who has owned more vintage Hiwatts than most of us will have the pleasure of seeing in our lifetimes.

The amp's been modified. As with virginity, there is no reclaiming of originality.

Could it be restored to near original state? Yes. I suggest you price shop the following:

Replica Hiwatt head case
Replica DR103 faceplate
8 or so hours of bench time by a qualified tech (experts, feel free to correct me on this)
Miscellaneous parts (Cliff jacks, pots, etc.) that were removed in the mod

Then, factor in the serial plate and the fact there are non-original holes in the chassis.

Add all those together and subtract from the current market rate for a non-molested DR103 to see what remains. I didn't see where anyone claimed it was valueless. It's worth something. Just not a bundle.

BTW, that Fane isn't going to last long if you crank a DR103 through it. Once I saw the full sized pics via Chrome (IE was only displaying thumbnails for me), it appears the dust cap has already blown off.


Re: DR103 Combo

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 8:21 pm
by mhuss
fixitfixit wrote:...reconsider your comments that this amp is a lash up.

You've asked me and the experts here for an opinion, then argued and gotten rude when we've told you what you don't want to hear. Too bad there's not a "politeness savers" website we can refer you to. :?


Re: DR103 Combo

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 9:20 pm
by fixitfixit
Hi Mark
I resent the line quote "think you know that this thing is a "lash up" from dr hi tone the photos speak for themselves the amp has had expert work done on it if it has been modified. this is a real deal amp and not a clone or a modern reissue that claims to be a Hiwatt but it is an oddball I accept this. I am in no hurry to sell this amp it would only take me a few hours to put the amp back to what is so called standard configuration. but why should I. I bought this amp because it was interesting and for the right price.

Re: DR103 Combo

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 5:31 pm
by marantz1300
I like the look of it.

Re: DR103 Combo

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 5:09 pm
by fixitfixit
Thanxs for that Marantz1300. Amp is sat round doing nothing. Sounds great but using my Matchless DC30 and Soldano SLO100 head and cab.