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Looking for Muff
Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 1:23 am
by Chris9723
I'm Looking for a Green Sovtex Muff, anyone wanna deal one off?
Re: Looking for Muff
Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 9:57 pm
by Bryce
Hi Chris,
No! You can't have mine. My precious... My precious...
I wish you luck in finding one for a decent price. I've no idea why they've gotten so expensive lately - got mine about 8 years ago for $50 shipped on the original HC buy/sell classifieds (same place I got my Hiwatt). Now the cheapest I've seen 'em is $80 for a beater - up to $300 for a beater!
In case you didn't know, you can mod the BYOC Large Beaver to sound exactly like a green muff, but the case just doesn't spew MENACE like the green muff's, now does it?
Again, good luck man.
Re: Looking for Muff
Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 12:49 am
by Chris9723
Prices have gone nuts lately indeed, I just saw a Civil War Sovtek go for 400+!!!
Maybe I should be asking what the best clones are!!
Anyone have Muff Clone opinions?
Re: Looking for Muff
Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 12:59 am
by xtoby44x
Chris9723 wrote:Prices have gone nuts lately indeed, I just saw a Civil War Sovtek go for 400+!!!
Maybe I should be asking what the best clones are!!
Anyone have Muff Clone opinions?
best one out there and i own the green muff is the blackout effectors Musket which i also own. it nails the green muff tone and takes it to the next level with midrange and bass adjustments. sells new for $165.00 and in my humble opinion is worth every penny, plus it is true bypass so there is no tone suck and thru a HIWATT it is incredible.
there are video demos on there and Kyle is a great guy and an amazing pedal builder. good luck