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Forum hiccup - All better now!

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 5:12 pm
by OldSchoolDave
11 September, 2009 noon-ish CDT:
Our web server was just migrated over to new hardware and the forum and VHR were down for a few minutes. All appears to be working properly now.

Please let me know if you experience otherwise.

Apologies for the inconvenience!


Re: Forum hiccup - All better now!

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 5:31 pm
by OldSchoolDave
11 September, 2009 noon-ish-thirty CDT.

Apparently, our server has NOT yet been migrated. But, it was acting up and has been restarted.

It will be migrated in the near future, which should result in better performance (and, after all, isn't that why we're here :) ? ).


Re: Forum hiccup - All better now!

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 12:14 pm
by OldSchoolDave
OldSchoolDave wrote: It will be migrated in the near future, which should result in better performance (and, after all, isn't that why we're here :) ? ).
UPDATE: 13 October, 2009 oh-dark-thirty CDT.

The migration is advertised to take place "in the next 7 days". There was a brief outage yesterday, but that may have been due to the old hardware getting tired.

In any case, if you find the Forum inaccessible between now and 20 October, it's likely to be in the migration process. Hopefully, the actual move will only take a few minutes and will otherwise go smoothly (where's the emoticon for fingers crossed???).

thanks for your patience,

P.S. will also be migrated, so the same applies to the VHR site.

Re: Forum hiccup - All better now!

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 12:57 pm
by OldSchoolDave
UPDATE: 14 October, 2009 - Top-o'-the-mornin'-to-ya (CDT)!

The server migration is complete. That didn't hurt much now, did it :) ?

Please let me know if you're experiencing any performance issues now. From my location in the upper midwest U.S.A., response times have improved by 10ms. Your mileage may vary.
