i know this is hiwatt central ,so dont flame me to bad...
Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 11:01 pm
check this out , i chucked all my modeling amps , channel switchin beasts , and now play hiwatt . that said it AINT goin out to the dive bar on fridaynite , sooo, i looked aroubnd for something cheap and clean to have fun with , well i came across a UNIVOX 1226 50 watter wit verb and trem , guess what??-- loaded with pre tubes THAT ALL say MULLARD BRITIAN ? was this the norm ya think? , 6l6 power tubes, the wireing job is a rats nest compared to the plastic surgeon wiring were used to, BUT , NICE CLEAN HEADROOM at bar levels and was wonderin if anybody else had a biker bar HIWATT stand in BTW I PAID 200 BURNS FOR "ER