This thing is a DISASTER. Clearly a mad mans electronics project (ni-cad rechargable AAA batteries wired to the preamp tubes!!!), I'm going to try to get this DR504 back to somewhat stock specs. From what I can tell this was a 1980 from a sticker on the chassis. Which makes sense considering the number of cap clamps inside. A Canadian market model. I'm going to strip it to bare metal and replace basically everything, except the transformers if they are working. While this was a PCB model I'm going to use turret, and I'd like to add a linked input on the front as well. Also you can't tell but every pot on the front is a push/pull.
If you could a couple of questions:
The trannies look correct, are these proper partridges?
Also. Mark mentions a supplier for turret board repros on hiwatt.org, would you guys still recommend him or is there another avenue to order hiwatt Resto parts. Where do you guys generally get parts if you don't go local?
I'll keep you guys updated!