Hi everyone, just picked up a Marshall cab with this Fane speaker in it. The Celestion date to early 80’s. I’m guessing the 8-79 code on the HiWatt means 1979?
I can’t find any info on the speaker code 122918. I’m trying to find out what the power rating is on this speaker. Any thoughts out there?
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The only other HIWATT Fane I have seen with that model code came in my SA112 (date code of 980). It is heavier than the other, more popular models but I do not know the power rating. Definitely a good speaker, in any case.
The only other HIWATT Fane I have seen with that model code came in my SA112 (date code of 980). It is heavier than the other, more popular models but I do not know the power rating. Definitely a good speaker, in any case.
Thanks Dave! That is super helpful, a friend has that amp and we were trying to figure out if this speaker would be a good fit for it. Sounds like it’s possible it would be the stock speaker for that amplifier. So that’s great news
Thank you for welcoming me to the forum and answering my question!!