The update appears to have succeeded. Please let me know if you notice anything not working correctly.
One of the features of the update is to require a Site Administrator approval for new accounts. This *should* result in a huge reduction of spam registrations. Those of you just signing up, please bear with us. The idea is not to exclude anyone - it's to make sure this forum stays focused on its purpose - the discussion of HIWATT Amplifiers and related topics.
Some of you may have been emailed a reminder to complete your registrations. Part of the update flushes out inactive users. We hope you take the time to complete your registrations and join us in the discussions of all things HIWATT.
Looks like the software upgrade dumped the old cookies. As a result, if you've been logging in automatically in the past, you'll have to manually log in on your first visit after the upgrade. You can still check the "automatic" box and it should hold the information...until the next upgrade.
If any existing members are experiencing trouble logging in, please email: i n f o _at_ vintage hiwatt convention _dot_ com .
Site email (notifications, registrations, etc.) was not working...until just now.
You should once again be getting emails for watched threads and PMs. If not, let me know
EDIT: P.S. to anyone setting up their own phpBB 3.0 board: I had to use my webserver's SMTP service to forward notifications - the builtin one doesn't seem to work. The magic settings were "LOGIN" (instead of "PLAIN") and user @ for the username ("user" alone didn't work).
Apparently, test messages that didn't succeed were actually queued up by the server...and just released. Some of you may have received multiple "reminder" emails from the board. If you've already completed your account activation, no action is required.
Apologies for the inconvenience - it shouldn't happen again (fingers crossed).