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Re: Introduce yourself

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 1:43 pm
Welcome to the Vintage HIWATT forum!

"Fair" is a subjective term... I'm sure that whoever paid $2650 for the hacked up DR103 on ebay last month thought that was a fair price. :shock:

Anyway, welcome and good luck!

Re: Introduce yourself

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 2:26 pm
by louis
Hi , I'm Louis from Montreal ! :wink:

I registered last week I think and I'm very happy to be here ,great info and everyone seems to be very nice and helfull here!
I've had a vintage Hylight Custom 50 once and would like to get back in my Hiwatt shoes!

Take care everyone!!

Re: Introduce yourself

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 3:07 pm
Hi Louis,
Welcome to the Vintage HIWATT forum!

Re: Introduce yourself

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 1:25 am
by louis
I'm very happy to be here Doctor!!!

Best Regards!........................Louis :D

Re: Introduce yourself

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 1:40 am
by OldSchoolDave
louis wrote:Hi , I'm Louis from Montreal ! :wink:
Hi Louis!

My wife was in your fair city a few weeks ago (on business). She says we need to go there when we have more time, to see the sights. I'm thinking it should be on a race weekend :) .

There seem to be quite a few Hiwatts in Canada. Good luck in finding your next one.


Re: Introduce yourself

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 10:49 pm
by louis
Thank you very much Dave!

I'm still looking for a Hiwatt Head :)

Take care!...............Louis

Re: Introduce yourself

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 3:44 am
by andynervous
My name is Andy,I have been playing slap double bass since '83. I have been d.bassist/lead vocs with Bristol UK Rockabilly/Psychobilly trio The Nervous Brothers off and on since '93. I am also the (extremely) proud owner and user of a 1974(I think!) DR103. I registered on here as soon as I found you,yesterday,(Fri 30th),a.m.
I have been using my DR103 since I swapped a crappy Ibanez guitar and even crappier late '70's tranny amp for it in '93 and although it's not a popular amp for d.bassists (I've never seen another slap bassist use one) I fell in love with it the moment I first plugged in. I KNOW that it's EXACTLY the right amp for d.bass and I am quietly confident that I have a better sound than ALL the rest by miles,regardless of what they think of their pretty,fancy,colourful Ashdown things complete with Retro '50's style. Of course I say nothing,it's for them to discover they are wrong,(but they probably never will),just like I had to.
Unfortunately for me,for various reasons,I have to part with my beloved,(no not my Mrs),amp,but more about that on the for sale forum later. It breaks my heart to part with it but if I must then it has to go to the right owner,ie someone who will appreciate it as much as I have the last 16 years and who REALLY understands that bass just doesn't get any better than this.
I am so chuffed to find this forum of so many like-minded bassists and at a time when I need it to find the right owner for my precious amp,
best wishes,
Andy Nervous. 8)

Re: Introduce yourself

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 6:24 pm
by mhuss
hi Andy, and welcome.

Sorry to hear about the circumstances, but hope you will hang around after the amp has gone. :)


Re: Introduce yourself

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 9:02 pm
by Johnny.T.
Hi all,
I am John,and I love Music and Cars coz they feel good.
I am here because this amp was left with me 10 years ago,unworking,in poor condition
and I put it store,moved it around from time to time,thought nothing of it.
Just finished my Studio and built 2 new computors for dance music production
and ive been playing the guitar a bit while my studio down for rebuild.
I got 79 black strat USA,got it new,took three years to buy it.Seymore Duncan humbucker,5 way selector replaced with on off on switches,coil tap on humbucker.
1974 Marshall PA 20,I have the two Marshall PA cabs that came with it,it was my dads Jazz rig.But I use 1973 Marshall 4X12,G12Ms75htz.
Roland JC120,I run both amps in stereo after Pod XT Pro.
So the old Hiwatt had been overlooked,untill the other day when I picked it up,looked at the tag plate,thought #249-type PA- oh! maybee they never made many.
Thought I'de check it out anyway.Google led me in the direction of Mark Huss,what a fine ambassador to you he is,very helpfull, and his site is a great resource,thanks.
I am now getting this amp serviced,and will post more when complete.
Thanks Dr Hiwatt for the invite to the convention,but I along with sir Pual Mcartney I am deemed very naughty buy your immigration,I may check with your Embassy,
But they'll probably say no,But I have been stoned in Charlotte,North Carolina,in 1981 and it was very nice thanks.Here's the Amp,Top Gears on I'm off bye bye.

Re: Introduce yourself

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 3:06 am
by mhuss
Welcome, John. You may find that once you've tried a Hiwatt, you can never go back. :twisted:


Re: Introduce yourself

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 5:18 am
by OldSchoolDave
What an interesting amp! Please keep us posted on its restoration.

And, welcome to the forum!


Re: Introduce yourself

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 12:52 am
by L.Bastien07
I my name is Ludovic i'm 20 andi'm from quebec canada( you know, where the peaple speak french? :lol: ). I am now, for about a week, the proud owner of a
DR-103 #14968! And by the way what a wonderfull site!! and how do we upload picture on the forum?

Re: Introduce yourself

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 1:12 am
by OldSchoolDave
L.Bastien07 wrote: And by the way what a wonderfull site!! and how do we upload picture on the forum?
Welcome, Ludovic!

And, congratulations on your recent acquisition.

Two methods for uploading pics:

1) If they are already on a web server or photo site, link to them with the [ i m g ] [ / i m g ] tags (omitting the spaces). An example would be:

[ i m g ] h t t p : / / w w w . alwaysakumal . com / images / Wall-o-Watts_03b . jpg [ / i m g ] , which would result in:


2) If not already on a web server, click on the "Upload attachment" tab below the composition window, browse to the photo(s) and click "Add the file".

Let me know if you have any trouble with either approach.


Re: Introduce yourself

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 8:02 pm
by Philrob1
Hello everyone!!!

My name is Phil, I am 16 years old, soon to be 17, part-time employed, (To fund a somewhat obsession, that is guitar), currently studying at college for A levels, :( , bad times I know. I have however got an obsession towards Pink Floyd, David's guitars, and also, his amplifiers. Now, one of the people I know at college has a 1972 Hiwatt DR103 and a Orange PPC412, of which he has fitted with Weber Thames speakers. I heard that in the first week of September, and then on decided, after I had funded my EJ strat, that I would look for one. Trouble is, they are the best part of £2600. Which is what has led me to this site. I have many questions, of which I will not spam this thread with!

Re: Introduce yourself

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 8:33 pm
Hi Phil,
Welcome to the Vintage HIWATT Forum.