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Re: Introduce yourself

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 5:44 pm
by guitar_tod77
NO EXPERT HERE but from my inquiries to Mark/Dave/Clayton, the first two would probably suggest biasing the new quad.
that there Clayton fella suggested picking up a quad of high-rated Groove Tube EL34M's and just roll with em.
if they're good tubes worthy of a HIWATT they wont go kaput :wink:

Re: Introduce yourself

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 5:52 pm
Welcome Kodou!

If you get a set that comes tested from a reliable/respected distributor, you are probably fine to put them in and roll with them.
New production tubes can be a crapshoot, so it would be advisable to contact the supplier and ask about tube testing at real life plate voltages.

as Cody mentioned, I have had great luck dropping in GT EL34Ms in HIWATTs that tend to run hot and having good results. I don't like to mod my vintage amps.

There is a pretty simple bias mod mentioned in the HYLIGHT section below by TedB that is pretty un-invasive.


Re: Introduce yourself

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 6:34 am
by Kodou
I'm actually angling to get a quad of strong tested Mullard EL34 XF2s.

The tubes in it at the moment seem to be a mix. There's 1 Groove Tubes, 1 National from Germany, 1 only labelled EL34 Made in GBR and one totally blank.

They sound great but have been in there for 23 years and the Groove Tube label on the glass is looking a little faded.

Re: Introduce yourself

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 4:50 pm
by azwhofan
Count me in as someone who is quite satisfied with their GT EL34M's.

Re: Introduce yourself

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 4:51 am
by artbarsnstripes
My name is David and I own one of the greatest amps made! 1974 DR103 with all the trimmings, this one with the infamous David Gilmour modification by Pete Cornish! I hope I can contribute to the site as this is one of many DR103's I will have the pleasure to own and play! Thanks for having me on the forum and hope to see all in the upcoming conventions!

Here's a little taste!


Re: Introduce yourself

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 12:52 pm
by mhuss
Beautiful amp! Welcome aboard.


Re: Introduce yourself

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 2:27 pm
Welcome to the Vintage HIWATT forum!

Re: Introduce yourself

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 7:00 pm
by Stu_R
Hi everyone!

Found this place by accident which - as someone has already said - is a shocking state of affairs after being a member of PP for so long.

I am the current owner (for now) of this.............

which was previously owned, from new (1976 IIRC), by the lead singer of a UK "popular beat combo" of the 1970s & 1980s.
It's as it was when I bought it at auction, it's been checked over twice by two different but highly regarded valve amp techs & found to be sound & OK without any serious work, but it still makes me nervous when I fire it up (is it an "it" - or should I call it "her"?) due to all the tales I've heard of caps etc having to be changed.
It/her and her matching 4122 cab are also incredibly heavy for my ageing 50yr+ back, so time will tell how much longer I have it.

I would be forever grateful if "Dr Hiwatt" could relink the pics of the bulging components, which don't work for me - I'm assuming it's not just me???Just so that I know what I'm looking for for when I take the gut shots which I just know you'll want - it does after all have a DI mod & another mod to slave out too.

And finally, the GEC KT88s in it date from 1984, when it was overhauled prior to the bands last ever ill-fated tour in San Francisco.

All the best everyone!


Re: Introduce yourself

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 7:07 pm
Welcome to the Vintage HIWATT Forum Stu!

I'll see if I can find the bulging capacitor pics.

Re: Introduce yourself

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 8:29 pm
it appears that my old photo hosting site is gone???

I'll hunt up some old cap pics.

Re: Introduce yourself

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 10:49 pm
by Stu_R
Dr.HIWATT wrote:it appears that my old photo hosting site is gone???

I'll hunt up some old cap pics.
I'd be really grateful if you could; so as to compare them with my pics once I take them. I've been well assured that all is fine but to my mind it's not as loud as it should be - and I don't want any damage done that can be avoided, tho' equally I'd like it to stay as original as possible. :roll:

Re: Introduce yourself

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 10:55 pm
by mhuss

Send 'em to me and I'll put them up on


Re: Introduce yourself

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 11:56 pm
pics are forthcoming. I had to dig some old caps out of the trash bin.. Cut the heck out of my finger on a utility knife blade in the process.

Re: Introduce yourself

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 12:10 am
by Dad3353
Stu_R wrote:
Dr.HIWATT my mind it's not as loud as it should be...
Good evening, Stu, and welcome to the forum...

I think I can safely assure you that, if this is not as loud as it/she should be, you are indeed suffering from major hearing loss, or there is some problem with the amp. I have the PA version of this, and 'volume' is not an adequate description. 'Thunder' is nearer; 'earth-shattering' is more descriptive. An anecdote..? OK, then, if you insist, but be seated, it's longish.
I bought mine from Kingston, Surrey, and went to collect with my elder brother in a Jaguar (sorry, but it's relevant...) and my youngest son. It was to be his bass amp. We found the address in a back street, but, parking being at a premium, the Jaguar had to stay up at the far end of the street. Tom and I walked back to the address, Henry stayed in the car.
The young lad selling the amp had it set up all ready to be tested in the rear of the house. He made us a cuppa, and invited Tom to try it out, plugged into his vintage 4 x 12 Hiwatt cab. Timidly, Tom took the bloke's bass and plucked a few notes, it sounded just fine. We plugged into each i/p in turn, and fiddled each channel's pots, listening for crackles or such; all was as it should be.
Whilst Tom was finishing his tea, the seller popped out and came back with a Tele, and plugged it in. With no further warning, he flipped up full the master, the channel volume, the Tele pot and whanged a series of chords. I fell back a couple of metres, Tom had (luckily...) already put his cup down. Wow..! A real thunderbolt. (No, wait on; it's nearly finished. I did warn you...)
We concluded our deal, and closed up the beast into it's like new fully lined flight case. The two of us struggled to carry the sod (they're heavy, but you already know that...) to the car (Tom was pretty OK, but still stunned; I'm old, so it seemed even further, especially being shell-shocked...).
Henry, still in the car, immediately asked us what the hell had happened. He'd been sitting there, quietly listening to the radio when BAM..! he had been startled by a 'hell of a racket'. Yes, in the closed car, nearly half a mile away, from the back of the house, that Tele had woken up most of the neighbourhood.
We had great difficulty inching the case into the boot of the Jag, too, but that's not the point. These things are LOUD. If there is a doubt about that in your mind, see a doctor :oops: , or a (good...) tech. 8)
Sorry about the length, just my tuppence worth. Hope this helps.

Re: Introduce yourself

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 9:15 am
by Stu_R
Dr.HIWATT wrote:pics are forthcoming. I had to dig some old caps out of the trash bin.. Cut the heck out of my finger on a utility knife blade in the process.
Thanks! - and sorry :oops: fault! :cry: Been there - done that, so I put my old blades in an empty screw box which I then gaffer tape closed when it's full of scrap.
Dad3353 wrote:Good evening, Stu, and welcome to the forum...
Thanx - and thanks for the story. Always interesting to hear how anyone gets hold of vintage gear. I get what you're saying about the volume, & there is a lot there - I'm just very wary of cranking mine to full tilt just in case it blows something that causes a lot of damage - or finding out the hard way that it can't take being cranked for any length of time. It just stops me focusing on what I'm playing.

My amp was the subject of a half page article in "Guitarist" soon after I bought it - I'll have to get round to scanning it some time - if I can still find it.