Hiwatt Fane for sale... (soon)
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 4:20 pm
I'm getting my friends SE4123. It only has one original Fane left and as I'm gonna use the cab for bass powered by a DR203 the speaker deserves a better home, don't you think? Anyway I can't remember the model but it's a '72 or '73 stamped frame 50W. 14000 gauss, I think. Pictures and codes in a couple of weeks, when I get it.
How much would be a fair price for one of these?
I'm in Finland, and I guess shipping abroad would be quite expensive and risky. I've never shipped abroad so I have no clue, but shipping in Finland is already pretty expensive.
How much would be a fair price for one of these?
I'm in Finland, and I guess shipping abroad would be quite expensive and risky. I've never shipped abroad so I have no clue, but shipping in Finland is already pretty expensive.