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What are you guys bringing? Amps, cabs, guitars, effects?
How many HIWATTs are going to be in the House?
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How many can it hold?Dr.HIWATT wrote:How many HIWATTs are going to be in the House?
Under today's regulations? Might try it, but I'll have to weigh it out first. Wish I'd have flown a few thousand more miles last year. I'd have a stronger status with Northwest.Dr.HIWATT wrote:OSD, I have flown with HIWATT heads in ATA can do it!
No, I need the date and time that the doors open at the 2008 VHR (like June 27, 2008 19:00:00 or June 28, 2008 9:00:00).Dr.HIWATT wrote:Cool! 12:00AM June 1.
Mine made it to Pittsburgh and back in fine shape (Delta and US Airways) but US dinged me $50 on the way back for overweight (this was after they charged me $100 to change my ticket... whole 'nother storyOldSchoolDave wrote:Might try it, but I'll have to weigh it out first.
Fishing rod and reel! Now that's a good idea. I have a neat collection of vintage Penn, Mitchell, Heddon, and Pflueger stuff....lp59pete wrote:Les Paul
Les Paul jr
DR 504
2x12 Avatar cab
pedal board or two with most my pedals to make Hiwatt Bob feel at home
two tents(an extra in case too much Old Peculiar has rendered someone unconscious)
Mitchell rod and reel(some fish on that grill wouldn't be a bad thing)
Chris(a.k.a. tightass)